Barbarić, Jelena (2016) Osobitosti trendova incidencije i mortaliteta od melanoma kože u Hrvatskoj i zemljama jugoistočne Europe [Characteristics of incidence and mortality trends of malignant melanoma of the skin in Croatia and South-Eastern European countries]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
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Aim. To explore cutaneous malignant melanoma (CM) incidence and mortality trends for males and females of different age groups in Croatia and South-Eastern European countries (SEE), identify possible changes in the trends, and compare them with the trends in North-Western European countries (NWE). Methods. Data on incident cases and deaths from CM in Croatia were obtained from the Croatian National Cancer Registry and the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. Agestandardized rates (World Standard Population) were used to estimate the average annual percent of change (AAPC) in incidence and mortality trends 1988-2008 by joinpoint regression analysis. Incidence and mortality rate ratios according to birth cohorts were calculated using age-period cohort (APC) modelling for 1989-2013 data. Data for SEE were obtained from 11 population-based cancer registries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Malta, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey. Using Bureau of Statistics data from individual countries, age-specific rates were calculated for 25-49 ('young'), 50- 69 ('middle aged') and 70+ years ('older') groups. Using joinpoint regression analysis, AAPC in incidence and mortality trends 2000-2010 were estimated according to the age group and sex. Results. In Croatia, during the period 1988-2008, CM incidence was increasing significantly, with AAPC of 5.9% for men and 5.6% for women, and so was mortality, with AAPC of 3.0% for men and 2.4% for women. APC analysis showed that incidence rates increased in successive generations of men, whilst in women the risk of CM attenuated for the cohorts born around 1970. Male cohorts born around 1984 had about six-fold and female about four-fold higher risk of CM than the referent 1944 cohorts. Risk of CM death increased in successive generations until cohorts born around 1970 for women, and appears still not to have reached the peak for male cohorts. Incidence rates of CM across SEE were uniformly increasing. Significant increases in mortality rates were observed in middle aged men in Serbia and Bulgaria, middle aged women in Slovenia, older men in the Czech Republic, Serbia and Turkey, and older women in Slovenia and Serbia. Conclusion. CM rates in Croatia are rising. Increasing generational incidence trends indicate the need for more primary prevention efforts. Lack of decline of mortality rates, in particular in men, suggests inequalities in early detection and the consequent need for targeted interventions. CM incidence rates were still increasing across SEE, mortality trends diverged and were less favourable than in NWE. Empowering cancer registration and improving the quality of incidence and mortality data will be essential for monitoring progress in CM control. Disparities in early detection appear to be widening the gap between SEE and NWE, while the provision of care to patients with advanced disease is likely to prove a challenge for regional healthcare budgets
Abstract in Croatian
Cilj. Istražiti trendove incidencije i mortaliteta melanoma kože (CM) za muškarce i žene različitih dobnih skupina u Hrvatskoj i zemljama u jugoistočnoj Europi (JIE), utvrditi moguće promjene u trendovima te ih usporediti s trendovima zemalja u sjeverozapadnoj Europi (SZE). Metode. Podaci o slučajevima i smrtima od CM u Hrvatskoj dobiveni su iz Registra za rak Republike Hrvatske i Državnog zavoda za statistiku. Za procjenu prosječnog godišnjeg postotka promjene (AAPC) u trendovima incidencije i mortaliteta 1988.- 2008. pomoću regresijske analize uz pomoć točaka spajanja korištene su dobnostandardizirane stope (standardno svjetsko stanovništvo). Za izračunavanje omjera stopa prema kohortama korišten je model dob-razdoblje-kohorta za podatke 1989. – 2013. Podaci za JIE dobiveni su iz 11 populacijskih registara za rak Bosni i Hercegovini, Bugarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Cipru, Češkoj, Malti, Rumunjskoj, Srbiji, Slovačkoj, Sloveniji i Turskoj. Dobno-specifične stope izračunate su pomoću podataka državnih zavoda za statistiku pojedinih zemalja za 25 – 49 ('mladi'), 50 – 69 ('sredovječni') i 70+ ('stariji'). Regresijskom analizom uz pomoć točaka spajanja procijenjen je AAPC za trendove incidencije i mortaliteta 2000. – 2010. prema dobnoj skupini i spolu. Rezultati. U Hrvatskoj je od 1988. do 2008. incidencija CM-a značajno rasla s AAPCom od 5,9 % kod muškaraca i 5,6 % kod žena, kao i mortalitet, s AAPC-om 3,0 % kod muškaraca i 2,4 % kod žena. Analiza modelom dob-razdoblje-kohorta pokazala je porast stopa incidencije u sukcesivnim generacijama muškaraca, dok se rizik kod žena rođenih oko 1970. počeo stabilizirati. Muške kohorte rođene oko 1984. imale su otprilike šesterostruki, a žene četverostruki rizik od CM-a u odnosu na referentne kohorte iz 1944. Rizik smrti od CM-a povećavao se u sukcesivnim generacijama do kohorti rođenih oko 1970. kod žena, dok kod muškaraca, čini se, još nije dosegao najvišu razinu. Stope incidencije su diljem JIE uniformno rasle. Značajni porasti stopa mortaliteta nađeni su kod sredovječnih muškaraca u Srbiji i Bugarskoj, sredovječnih žena u Sloveniji, starijih muškaraca u Češkoj, Srbiji i Turskoj te starijih žena u Sloveniji i Srbiji. Zaključak. Stope CM-a u Hrvatskoj rastu. Rastući generacijski trendovi incidencije ukazuju na potrebu za više napora u smislu primarne prevencije. Izostanak pada stopa mortaliteta, posebice u muškaraca, ukazuje na moguće nejednakosti u ranoj detekciji i potrebu za ciljanim intervencijama. Dok su stope incidencije uniformno rasle u JIE, došlo je do razmimoilaženja trendova mortaliteta, iako manje povoljnih u odnosu na one u SZE. Osnaživanje registracije raka i unaprjeđenje kvalitete podataka incidencije i mortaliteta bit će ključno za nadzor napretka u kontroli CM-a. Čini se da razlike u ranom otkrivanju proširuju procjep između JIE i SZE, dok će pružanje skrbi pacijentima s uznapredovalom bolesti vjerojatno biti izazov za regionalne zdravstvene budžete.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) | ||||
Mentors: |
Departments: | Izvan medicinskog fakulteta | ||||
Depositing User: | Helena Markulin | ||||
University: | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | ||||
Institution: | Medicinski fakultet | ||||
Number of Pages: | 103 | ||||
Status: | Unpublished | ||||
Creators: |
Date: | 7 November 2016 | ||||
Date Deposited: | 28 Aug 2020 09:13 | ||||
Last Modified: | 28 Aug 2020 09:13 | ||||
Subjects: | WR Dermatology > WR 500-660 Neoplasms. Ulcers. Occupational Dermatitis. Therapy | ||||
Related URLs: | |||||
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