Behin Šarić, Ivana (2019) Postnatalni porast tjelesne mase kao prognostički čimbenik za razvoj retinopatije nedonoščadi [Postnatal weight gain as a prognostic factor for retinopathy of prematurity]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
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Existing screening criteria for neonatal retinopathy (ROP) in our state are defined by two cut-off values: gestational age (GA) ≤ 32 weeks and/or birth weight (BW) ≤ 1500 g. Infants above these limit values with an "unstable clinical course" and at increased risk for ROP development according to neonatologists are exceptionally included. The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of application of a simple biomarker – a postnatal weight gain as an additional criterion in ROP screening. Medical records of 267 premature infants followed and screened for ROP at the Clinical hospital Zagreb from January 2009 to December 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Postnatal weight gain in the first 28 days in premature infants with a mild or severe ROP was significantly lower in comparison with premature infants without ROP. The cut-off value of postnatal weight gain in first 28 days above which not a single child developed mild or severe ROP was 932 g and 660 g respectively. If these criteria would have been applied with the current criteria (GA ≤ 32 and/or BW ≤ 1500 g) sensitivity would have been 100 %. ROP incidence was 62,2% (166/267). Mean GA of infants who developed ROP was 29,4±2,6 weeks, mean BW 1243,2±341,9 g with wide range of GA (23,4 - 35,0 weeks) and BW (620 – 2360 g. The highest share of severe ROP was shown in the most immature infants with GA ≤ 28 weeks (60,7 %) and BW ≤ 999 g (60,0 %). On the other hand, 33 infants with GA ≥ 32 weeks had ROP (19,9 % of all infants with ROP) of whom seven developed severe ROP. Likewise, 36 infants with BW ≥ 1500 g had ROP (21,7 % of all infants with ROP) of whom eight developed severe ROP. Of all infants screened for ROP, 26,6 % (71/267) developed severe ROP which required laser photocoagulation. Postnatal weight gain in the first 28 days as a simple biomarker can be applied in ROP screening as follows: for the prediction of any form of ROP in addition to the existing criteria GA ≤ 32 weeks and/or BW ≤ 1500 g a criteria and/or postnatal weight gain in 28 days ≤ 932 g, needs to be included, for the prediction of a severe ROP in addition to the existing criteria GA ≤ 32 weeks and/or BW ≤ 1500 g a criteria and/or postnatal weight gain in 28 days ≤ 660 g needs to be included. An important exception to this rule is the use of mechanical ventilation and oxygen for which the risk of consequent ROP development has to be evaluated by a neonatologist in children of GA ≥ 32 weeks and BW ≥ 1500 g. The aforementioned criteria cannot be applied in premature infants with nonphysiological weight gain.
Abstract in Croatian
Postojeći kriteriji probira na retinopatiju nedonoščadi (ROP) u našoj državi definirani su graničnim vrijednostima gestacijske dobi (GD) 32 tjedna i/ili porođajne mase (PM) 1500 g. Iznimno se uključuju i djeca iznad tih graničnih vrijednosti ako su „nestabilna kliničkog tijeka“ i prema procjeni neonatologa pod povećanim rizikom za razvoj ROP-a. Cilj ovog rada bio je, na temelju jednostavnog biomarkera – postnatalnog porasta tjelesne mase, ispitati mogućnost primjene ovog kriterija u programu probira na ROP. Retrospektivno su analizirani podatci 267 nedonoščadi praćene u sklopu programa probira na ROP u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Zagreb u razdoblju od siječnja 2009. do prosinca 2010. Postnatalni porast tjelesne mase u prvih 28 dana u nedonoščadi koja su razvila blagi, odnosno teški oblik ROP-a, značajno je manji u odnosu na djecu bez ROP-a. Granična vrijednost porasta tjelesne mase u 28 dana iznad koje ni jedno dijete nije razvilo ROP, odnosno teški oblik ROP-a, iznosi 932 g, odnosno 660 g. Uključivanje navedenih kriterija, uz postojeće kriterije GD ≤ 32 tjedna i/ili PM ≤ 1500 g, imalo bi 100-postotnu osjetljivost. Pojavnost ROP-a iznosila je 62,2 % (166/267). Prosječna GD djece koja su razvila ROP iznosila je 29,4±2,6 tjedana, a PM 1243,2±341,9 g uz širok raspon vrijednosti GD-a od 23,4 do 35,0 tjedana, odnosno PM-a od 620 do 2360 g. Najveći udio teškog ROP-a bio je u najnezrelije djece GD ≤ 28 tjedana (60,7 %) i PM ≤ 999 g (60,0 %). S druge strane, čak 33 djece GD ≥ 32 tjedna imalo je ROP (19,9 % sve djece s ROP-om), od čega je njih sedmero razvilo teški oblik ROP-a. Također, 36 djece PM ≥ 1500 g imalo je ROP (21,7 % sve djece s ROP-om), od čega je njih osmero razvilo teški oblik ROP-a. Od ukupnog broja praćene djece, 26,6 % (71/267) razvilo je oblik ROP-a kod kojeg je bilo potrebno liječenje laserskom fotokoagulacijom mrežnice. Postnatalni porast tjelesne mase u prvih 28 dana, kao jednostavan biomarker, može poslužiti u programu probira na ROP sljedećim načinom: za predikciju bilo kojeg oblika ROP-a, uz postojeće kriterije GD ≤ 32 tjedna i/ili PM ≤ 1500 g dodati kriterij i/ili postnatalni porast tjelesne mase u 28 dana ≤ 932 g, a za predikciju teškog oblika ROP-a, uz postojeće kriterije GD ≤ 32 tjedna i/ili PM ≤ 1500 g dodati kriterij i/ili postnatalni porast tjelesne mase u 28 dana ≤ 660 g. Važna iznimka od ovog pravila uporaba je mehaničke ventilacije i kisika za koju rizik od posljedičnog razvoja ROP-a mora procijeniti neonatolog u djece GD ≥ 32 tjedna i PM ≥ 1500 g. Također, navedene kriterije nije moguće primijeniti u nedonoščadi s nefiziološkim porastom tjelesne mase.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) | ||||
Mentors: |
Departments: | Izvan medicinskog fakulteta | ||||
Depositing User: | Anja Majstorović | ||||
University: | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | ||||
Institution: | Medicinski fakultet | ||||
Number of Pages: | 64 | ||||
Status: | Unpublished | ||||
Creators: |
Date: | 5 June 2019 | ||||
Date Deposited: | 11 Oct 2019 09:38 | ||||
Last Modified: | 11 Oct 2019 09:40 | ||||
Subjects: | / | ||||
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