Žigman, Tamara (2018) Utjecaj genetičkoga testiranja nasljednoga raka dojke na preživljenje, kvalitetu života i troškove liječenja [The influence of hereditary breast cancer genetic testing on survival, quality of life and treatment costs]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in almost all parts of the world and is the leading cause of cancer death in women. A significant risk factor for breast cancer is genetic predisposition. Approximately 10% of breast cancer cases are caused by mutations of highly penetrant genes transmitted within the family. Most commonly, pathogenic mutations are found in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Clinical signs pointing to the possibility of pathogenic mutation in some of the predisposing breast cancer genes are: early disease onset, recurrent disease, bilateral disease, multicentric disease, breast cancer in men, specific histological features of the disease such as triple negative breast cancer, medullar and atypical medullar breast cancer, grouping of individuals within families, multiple tumours (e.g. breast cancer, ovary, pancreas, and melanoma). People with such disease characteristics should be referred to a genetic counselling centre with the assessment of indication for further genetic testing. Study hypothesis is that primary and secondary prevention measures, which could be undertaken after the results of hereditary breast cancer genetic testing in a high risk population, contribute to savings in the health care system and the better quality of life in the group of high risk individuals. In order to validate this hypothesis, a statistical-analytical model has been developed through four research phases. The model compares costs and outcomes between two scenarios within the health care system: model A, which describes the situation when there is no screening of high-risk population through the genetic counselling and testing programme and model B, with systematic risk assessment through genetic counselling and testing programme which includes measures to reduce breast cancer risk in the group of BRCA positive population. The results confirmed the study hypothesis that the model of systematic screening of high risk population through genetic counselling and testing programme positively correlates with life expectancy and quality, and leads to the reduction of treatment costs. This research points to the necessity for future similar analyses which should be carried out before making decisions on redistributing a larger amount of money in the healthcare systems.
Abstract in Croatian
Rak dojke najčešći je rak u žena u gotovo svim područjima svijeta i vodeći uzrok smrti od raka kod žena. Značajan rizik za razvoj raka dojke čini genetičko opterećenje. Otprilke 10% slučajeva raka dojke nastaje uslijed mutacija visoko-penetrantnih gena koje se prenose unutar obitelji. Patogene mutacije najčešče se nalaze u genima BRCA1 i BRCA2. Klinički znaci koji upućuju na mogućnost da se radi o mutaciji u nekom od predisponirajućih gena za nastanak raka dojke su: rani nastup bolesti, recidiv bolesti, obostrani rak dojke, multicentrični rak dojke, rak dojke u muškarca, pojedine histološke karakteristike bolesti kao npr. trostruko negativni rak dojke te medularni i atipični medularni rak dojke, grupiranje oboljelih pojedinaca unutar pojedinih obitelji, multipilicitet tumora (npr. rak dojke, jajnika, gušterače i melanom). Osobe čija bolest ima navedene karakteristike, trebaju biti upućene u genetsko savjetovalište gdje se procjenjuje potreba za genetičkim testiranjem. Hipoteza ovog istraživanja je da mjere primarne i sekundarne prevencije, koje bi se mogle poduzeti na temelju rezultata genetičkoga testiranja nasljednoga raka dojke u rizičnoj populaciji, doprinose uštedi u zdravstvenom sustavu i poboljšanju kvalitete života kod rizičnih osoba. S ciljem potvrde hipoteze, kroz četiri je faze istraživanja razvijen statističko-analitički model koji uspoređuje troškove i ishod između dva modela unutar zdravstvenog sustava: modela A, koji opisuje situaciju bez probira visoko rizične skupine žena kroz sustav genetičkoga savjetovanja i testiranja i modela B, u kojem se se kroz sustav genetičkoga savjetovanja i testiranja sustavno provodi procjena rizika i poduzimaju mjere smanjenja rizika oboljenja od raka dojke u skupini BRCA pozitivnih žena. Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrdili su hipotezu da model sustavnog probira rizične populacije kroz program genetičkoga savjetovanja i testiranja značajno pozitivno doprinosi trajanju i kvaliteti života oboljelih osoba i smanjenju troškova liječenja. Ovo istraživanje ukazuje na potrebu za budućim sličnim analizama koje je neophodno provesti prije donošenja odluka o preraspodjeli financijskih sredstava u korist novih medicinskih intervencija u sustavu zdravstva.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) | ||||
Mentors: |
Departments: | Izvan medicinskog fakulteta | ||||
Depositing User: | Anja Majstorović | ||||
University: | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | ||||
Institution: | Medicinski fakultet | ||||
Number of Pages: | 101 | ||||
Status: | Unpublished | ||||
Creators: |
Date: | 22 March 2018 | ||||
Date Deposited: | 16 Jan 2019 10:21 | ||||
Last Modified: | 17 Jan 2019 12:07 | ||||
Subjects: | / | ||||
Related URLs: | |||||
URI: | http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/3050 |
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