Vrijednost određivanja vaskularnoga endotelnoga čimbenika rasta u serumu i bazičnoga čimbenika rasta fibroblasta u urinu u djece s hemangiomima [Importance of determining vascular endothelial growth factor in serum and basic fibroblast growth factor in urine in children with hemangiomas]

Rešić, Arnes (2018) Vrijednost određivanja vaskularnoga endotelnoga čimbenika rasta u serumu i bazičnoga čimbenika rasta fibroblasta u urinu u djece s hemangiomima [Importance of determining vascular endothelial growth factor in serum and basic fibroblast growth factor in urine in children with hemangiomas]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of determining VEGF in serum and bFGF in urine in various stages of growth of hemangiomas in children. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study of research pairs (case-control study), which includes fifty patients (N = 50) with hemangiomas in the stage of proliferation and fifty patients (N = 50) with hemangiomas in the involution phase and hundred healthy patients (N = 100) as a control group of comparable age and sex of the patient group. Immunoassay (ELISA) is determined by the value of VEGF and bFGF in serum and urine in the proliferative phase of hemangioma growth and involution phase of the hemangioma. The results were compared with the results of a control children group of comparable age and sex, and other clinical indicators. Results: Comparison of VEGF serum and bFGF values in urine between phase of proliferation and involution in the group of patients with IH did not show statistically significant differences. The control group had significantly higher VEGF values measured in the proliferation phase IH (P = 0.009). Likewise, the control group had significantly higher values of VEGF, measured in the involution phase IH (P = 0.019). Significantly more subjects in the control group had bFGF values in urine ≥ 0.31 (the lowest value found on the device) measured in the proliferation phase IH (24.0% versus 4.0%; P = 0.008). The level of bFGF in urine in the involution phase IH compared to the examined and control group did not show statistically significant difference (P = 0.617). Conclusion: Although IH is thought to be a result of disregulation of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis under the influence of angiogenic factors, notably VEGF and bFGF, this research has not demostrated that VEGF serum values and bFGF in urine in the proliferation phase of hemangioma are higher compared to the involution phase.

Abstract in Croatian

Uvod: Cilj ove studije je istražiti značenje određivanja VEGF-a u serumu i bFGF-a u urinu u različitim fazama rasta hemangioma kod djece. Ispitanici i metode: Riječ je o prospektivnoj studiji istraživanja parova (case-control study), koja je uključila pedeset bolesnika (N=50) s hemangiomima u fazi proliferacije i pedeset bolesnika (N=50) s hemangiomima u fazi involucije i sto pacijenata-zdravih kontrola (N=100) usporedive dobi i spola prema skupini bolesnika. Imunokemijskom metodom (ELISA) određena je vrijednost VEGF-a u serumu i bFGF-a u urinu u fazi proliferativnog rasta hemangioma i u fazi involucije hemangioma. Rezultati su se usporedili s rezultatima analize kontrolne skupine djece usporedive dobi i spola, i drugih kliničkih pokazatelja. Rezultati: Usporedbom vrijednosti VEGF-a u serumu i bFGF-a u urinu između faza proliferacije i involucije u skupini pacijenata s IH, nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika. Kontrolna skupina, imala je značajno veće vrijednosti VEGF u mjereno u fazi proliferacije IH (P=0,009). Isto tako, kontrolna skupina, imala je značajno veće vrijednosti VEGF-a, mjereno i u fazi involucije IH (P=0,019). Mjereno u fazi proliferacije IH, u kontrolnoj skupini značajno je više ispitanika imalo vrijednosti bFGF-a u urinu ≥0,31 (najniža vrijednost koja je bila detektabilna na uređaju): 24,0% naprema 4,0%; P=0,008. Razina bFGF-a u urinu u fazi involucijskog rasta IH u usporedbi između ispitivane i kontrolne skupine nije pokazala statističku značajnu razliku (P=0,617). Zaključak: Iako se smatra kako IH nastaju kao rezultat disregulacije angiogeneze i vaskulogeneze pod utjecajem angiogenih čimbenika, poglavito VEGF-a i bFGF-a, ovo istraživanje nije pokazalo da se kod djece u proliferativnoj fazi rasta hemangioma nalaze više vrijednosti VEGF-a u serumu i bFGF-a u urinu u odnosu na involutivnu fazu.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Čizmić, Ante
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: Anja Majstorović
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 87
Status: Unpublished
Date: 15 March 2018
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2019 10:12
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2019 10:12
Subjects: /
Related URLs:
    URI: http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/3049

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