Brzina cerebralnoga protoka u bolesnika s prvom psihotičnom epizodom [Velocity of Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with First Psychotic Episode]

Kekin, Ivana (2018) Brzina cerebralnoga protoka u bolesnika s prvom psihotičnom epizodom [Velocity of Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with First Psychotic Episode]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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Changes in cerebral hemodynamics have been reported in schizophrenia and proposed as underlying the cognitive deficits seen in patients. The objective of our study was to compare changes of the cerebral blood flow velocity during neurocognitive tasks between the patients with the first episode of psychosis and healthy controls. We recruited 46 patients with the first episode of psychosis and 41 control subjects. Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography monitoring of BFV in both middle cerebral arteries was recorded during 25-minute long neurocognitive assessment with Phonemic Verbal Fluency test, Trial Making Test B and Stroop test. Between every consecutive test resting periods were recorded. Patients with first episode of psychosis had significantly lower blood flow velocity in left anterior cerebral artery during neurocognitive tetsing. Decreased blood flow velocity during the execution of neurocognitive tasks in patients with first episode of psychosis, compared to control subjects might indicate impaired hemodynamic function in the prefrontal brain areas, and possibly provide an explanation of some of the observed neurocognitive deficits in patients with the first episode of psychosis.

Abstract in Croatian

Niz istraživanja pokazuje promijenjenu cerebralnu hemodinamiku u pacijenata oboljelih od shizofrenije. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je usporediti promjene brzine krvnog protoka za vrijeme neurokognitivne aktivacije kod pacijenata s prvom psihotičnom epizodom i kod zdravih sudionika. U istraživanje smo uključili 46 pacijenata s prvom psihotičnom epizodom i 41 zdravog sudionika. Učinili smo snimanje brzine krvnog protokau srednjim i prednjim moždanim arterijama za vrijeme neurokognitivnog testiranja u trajanju od 25 minuta testovima: Test verbalne fluentnosti, Trial making test B i Stroop test. Pronašli smo signifikantno nižu brzinu krvnog protoka u lijevoj prednjoj moždanoj arteriji za vrijeme riješavanja svih neurokognitivnih zadataka u pacijenata s prvom psihotičnom epizodom. Navedeni pronalazak snižene brzine krvnog protoka za vrijeme riješavanja neurokognitivnih zadataka upućuje na poremećenu hemodinamiku u prefrontalnom moždanim regijama te potencijalno objašnjava opservirane neurokognitivne deficite u pacijenata s prvom psihotičnom epizodom.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Rojnić Kuzman, Martina
Malojčić, Branko
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: Anja Majstorović
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 157
Status: Unpublished
Date: 5 October 2018
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2019 12:53
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2019 11:21
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