Kapiriri, Lydia and Tomlinson, Mark and Chopra, Mickey and El Arifeen, Shams and Black, Robert E. and Rudan, Igor (2007) Setting priorities in global child health research investments: addressing values of stakeholders. Croatian Medical Journal, 48 (5). pp. 618-627. ISSN 0353-9504
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AIM: To identify main groups of stakeholders in the process of health research priority setting and propose strategies for addressing their systems of values. ----- METHODS: In three separate exercises that took place between March and June 2006 we interviewed three different groups of stakeholders: 1) members of the global research priority setting network; 2) a diverse group of national-level stakeholders from South Africa; and 3) participants at the conference related to international child health held in Washington, DC, USA. Each of the groups was administered different version of the questionnaire in which they were asked to set weights to criteria (and also minimum required thresholds, where applicable) that were a priori defined as relevant to health research priority setting by the consultants of the Child Health and Nutrition Research initiative (CHNRI). ----- RESULTS: At the global level, the wide and diverse group of respondents placed the greatest importance (weight) to the criterion of maximum potential for disease burden reduction, while the most stringent threshold was placed on the criterion of answerability in an ethical way. Among the stakeholders' representatives attending the international conference, the criterion of deliverability, answerability, and sustainability of health research results was proposed as the most important one. At the national level in South Africa, the greatest weight was placed on the criterion addressing the predicted impact on equity of the proposed health research. ----- CONCLUSIONS: Involving a large group of stakeholders when setting priorities in health research investments is important because the criteria of relevance to scientists and technical experts, whose knowledge and technical expertise is usually central to the process, may not be appropriate to specific contexts and in accordance with the views and values of those who invest in health research, those who benefit from it, or wider society as a whole.
Abstract in Croatian
CILJ: Odrediti glavne zainteresirane strane u procesu postavljanja prioriteta u zdravstvenim istraživanjima i predložiti strategije koje bi uzele u obzir sustave vrijednosti svih zainteresiranih strana. ----- POSTUPCI: Između ožujka i lipnja 2006. u tri odvojene vježbe ispitali smo 3 različite skupine zainteresirane za istraživanja zdravlja djece: 1) članove mreže za postavljanje globalnih prioriteta u istraživanju; 2) raznoliku skupinu zainteresiranih sudionika iz Južnoafričke Republike; 3) sudionike na međunarodnoj konferenciji o zdravlju djece u Washingtonu, USA. Svakoj skupini je podijeljena različita verzija upitnika u kojoj su trebali ocijeniti važnost kriterija (i postaviti minimalne pragove gdje je to potrebno) za koje su savjetnici Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (Inicijative za istraživanja o dječjem zdravlju i prehrani) ranije odredili da su ključni u postavljanju prioriteta u zdravstevenim istraživanjima. ----- REZULTATI: Na globalnoj razini ispitanici su pridavali najveću važnost kriteriju maksimalne moguće koristi u smanjivanju tereta bolesti, dok je najstroži prag postavljen za kriterij etičke odgovornosti. Sudionici na međunarodnoj konferenciji odabrali su provodivost, odgovornost i održivost kao najvažnije kriterije. Na nacionalnoj razini Južnoafričke Republike najveća važnost pripisana je kriteriju predviđenog utjecaja na pravednost zdravstvenog istraživanja. ----- ZAKLJUČAK: Kada postavljamo prioritete za ulaganja u zdravstvena istraživanja važno je uključiti što veći broj zainteresiranih strana jer znanstvenici i tehnički stručnjaci ukjučeni u istraživanje ne moraju imati kriterije koji su primjereni određenom kontekstu i koji su u skladu s vrijednostima onih koji ulažu u istraživanja, onih koji imaju korist od istraživanja i društva u cjelini.
Item Type: | Article | ||||||||||||||
MeSH: | Child Welfare ; Social Values ; World Health ; Research - organization & administration ; Research Personnel - statistics & numerical data ; Health Priorities - statistics & numerical data ; Humans ; Models, Theoretical ; Questionnaires ; Research Support as Topic | ||||||||||||||
Departments: | Katedra za medicinsku statistiku, epidemiologiju i medicinsku informatiku | ||||||||||||||
Depositing User: | Lea Škorić | ||||||||||||||
Status: | Published | ||||||||||||||
Creators: |
Date: | October 2007 | ||||||||||||||
Date Deposited: | 20 Dec 2007 | ||||||||||||||
Last Modified: | 27 Nov 2019 16:09 | ||||||||||||||
Subjects: | / | ||||||||||||||
Related URLs: | |||||||||||||||
URI: | http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/298 |
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