Adjuvant cancer biotherapy by Viscum album extract Isorel: overview of evidence based medicine findings [Adjuvantna onkološka bioterapija Viscum album ekstratom Isorel: prikaz nalaza temeljnih na medicinskim opažanjima]

Borović Šunjić, Suzana and Čipak Gašparović, Ana and Vuković, Tea and Weiss, Thomas and Sussman Weiss, Elisabeth and Soldo, Ivo and Đaković, Nikola and Žarković, Tomislav and Žarković, Neven (2015) Adjuvant cancer biotherapy by Viscum album extract Isorel: overview of evidence based medicine findings [Adjuvantna onkološka bioterapija Viscum album ekstratom Isorel: prikaz nalaza temeljnih na medicinskim opažanjima]. Collegium Antropologicum, 39 (3). pp. 701-708. ISSN 0350-6134

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Within the integrative medicine one of the most frequently used adjuvant cancer biotherapies is based on aqueous mistletoe (Viscum album) extracts. Tumor growth inhibition, stimulation of host immune response and improvement of the quality of life are the positive effects of mistletoe therapy described in several preclinical and clinical studies. However, cumulative results of the evidence based medicine findings on such treatments are rarely given. Therefore, this paper evaluates the evidence based findings describing effects of the Viscum album extract Isorel in cancer therapy with respect to the type of therapy, stage and type of illness. This study presents cumulated data for 74 patients with different types and stages of cancer treated by Viscum album extract as adjuvant treatment to different conventional therapies, mostly combined surgery and radiotherapy. The biotherapy effectiveness was evaluated according to the outcome as (1) no major therapeutic improvement (15% of patients), (2) prevention of tumor recurrence (47% of patients) and (3) regression of cancer (38% of patients). Notably, there was no obvious health worsening during the follow up period at all. Thus, the results obtained for conventional anticancer therapies combined with adjuvant biotherapy based on Viscum album extract seem to be beneficial for the majority of cancer patients (85%) without serious side effects.

Abstract in Croatian

U okviru integrativne medicine jedan od najčešće korištenih oblika adjuvantne onkološke bioterapije se temelji na vodenim ekstraktima imele (Viscum album). U nizu pretkliničkih i kliničkih istraživanja opisani su pozitivni učinci terapije ekstraktima imele koji uključuju inhibiciju rasta tumora uz poticanje imunološkog sustava obrane oboljelih i poboljšanje kvalitete života. Međutim, sažimanje rezultata podataka dobivenih medicinskim opažanjima za različite oblike ovakvih tretmana u osoba oboljelih od različitih oblika tumora se rijetko opisuje. Stoga ovim radom analiziramo medicinska opažanja dobivena za bolesnike liječene ekstraktom Isorel ovisno o oblicima sveukupne onkološke terapije, stadiju bolesti i tipu zloćudnog tumora. Studija uključuje kumulativne podatke dobivene za 74 bolesnika s različitim oblicima malignoma, različitih stadija bolesti koji su uz Isorel primali različite oblike konvencionalne onkološke terapije, pretežito kombinaciju kirurškog zahvata i radioterapije. Uspješnost adjuvantne bioterapije je evaluirana prema ishodu kao 1) bez znatnijih terapijskih učinaka (15% bolesnika), 2) prevencija recidiva bolesti (47%), te nestanak bolesti (38%), pri čemu treba napomenuti da niti u jednog bolesnika nije zabilježeno pogoršanje zdravlja. Stoga dobiveni rezultati konvencionalnih onkoloških terapija u kombinaciji s adjuvantnom terapijom Isorelom ukazuju na korisnost ovakvog integrativnog medicinskog pristupa u 85% onkoloških bolesnika, bez neželjenih popratnih pojava.

Item Type: Article
MeSH: Adult ; Aged ; Aged, 80 and over ; Antineoplastic Agents / therapeutic use ; Breast Neoplasms / drug therapy ; Carcinoma / drug therapy ; Chemotherapy, Adjuvant ; Colorectal Neoplasms / drug therapy ; Evidence-Based Medicine ; Female ; Humans ; Male ; Middle Aged ; Neoplasms / drug therapy ; Phytotherapy ; Plant Extracts / therapeutic use ; Quality of Life ; Radiotherapy ; Viscum album / chemistry
Departments: Katedra za radiologiju i opću kliničku onkologiju
Depositing User: Ana Babić
Status: Published
Borović Šunjić, SuzanaUNSPECIFIED
Čipak Gašparović, AnaUNSPECIFIED
Sussman Weiss, ElisabethUNSPECIFIED
Đaković, NikolaUNSPECIFIED
Žarković, TomislavUNSPECIFIED
Žarković, NevenUNSPECIFIED
Date: September 2015
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2016 11:24
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 08:11
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