Puzović, Vladimir and Rotim, Krešimir and Jurišić, Vladimir and Samardžić, Miroslav and Živkovic, Bojana and Savić, Andrija and Rasulić, Lukas (2015) The prevalence of spine deformities and flat feet among 10-12 year old children who train basketball - cross-sectional study [Prevalencija deformiteta kralježnice i ravnih stopala među djecom starom 10-112 godina koja treniraju košarku - poprečno presječno istraživanje]. Collegium Antropologicum, 39 (3). pp. 625-629. ISSN 0350-6134
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The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of spine and feet deformities among children who are regularly involved in basketball trainings, as well as finding differences in the prevalence of those deformities between children of different gender and age. The study included a total of 64 children, of which 43 were boys and 21 were girls, ages 10-12. All subjects have been regularly participating in basketball trainings for at least one year. Postural disorder is defined as an irregularity in posture of the spine and feet, and it is assessed by visual methods from the front, side and rear side of the body. The prevalence of spinal deformities in our group was 53.13%. The boys had a significantly higher prevalence than girls, 65.1% compared to 28.57% (p=0.006). There was no significant difference in prevalence of spine deformities between children of different ages. The prevalence of feet deformities was 64.06%. There was a statistically significant difference between the sexes, where boys had a significantly greater prevalence of the feet deformities than girls, 83.7% compared to 23.81% (p=0.001). Flat feet were the most common in 10 year old children (85.71%). In conclusion, it can be said that despite regular participation in basketball training, subjects in this study have high prevalence of deformities; especially boys who stand out with the high prevalence of flat feet.
Abstract in Croatian
Cilj ovog istraživanja je ustanoviti prevalenciju deformiteta kralježnice i nogu među djecom koja su redovito uključena u košarkaške treninge, kao i pronalaženje razlike u učestalosti tih deformiteta između djece različitog spola i dobi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 64 djece, od kojih su 43 bili dječaci i 21 djevojčica, svi u dobi od 10–12. Svi ispitanici su redovito sudjelovali u košarkaškim treninzima unazad najmanje godinu dana. Posturalni poremećaj se definira kao nepravilnost u držanju kralježnice i nogu, a procjenjuje se vizualnim metodama s prednje strane tijela, stražnje strane tijela i sa strane tijela. Prevalencija deformacije kralježnice u našoj skupini bio je 53.13%. Dečki su imali značajno višu prevalenciju od djevojčica, 65,1% u odnosu na 28,57% (p = 0.006). Nije bilo značajne razlike u prevalenciji deformiteta kralježnice između djece različitih uzrasta. Prevalencija stope deformiteta bila je 64.06%. Postoji statistički značajna razlika između spolova, gdje dječaci imaju značajno veću prevalenciju deformiteta stopala nego djevojčice, 83,7% u odnosu na 23.81% (p = 0.001). Ravna stopala su najčešća u djece stare 10 godina (85,71%). Zaključno, može se reći da, unatoč redovitom sudjelovanju u košarkaškim treninzima, ispitanici u ovom istraživanju imaju visoku prevalenciju deformiteta; posebno dječaci koji se posebno ističu visokom učestalosti ravnih stopala.
Item Type: | Article | ||||||||||||||||
MeSH: | Basketball ; Child ; Cross-Sectional Studies ; Female ; Flatfoot / epidemiology ; Humans ; Kyphosis / epidemiology ; Lordosis / epidemiology ; Male ; Prevalence ; Scoliosis / epidemiology ; Serbia / epidemiology ; Spinal Diseases / epidemiology | ||||||||||||||||
Departments: | Katedra za kirurgiju | ||||||||||||||||
Depositing User: | Ana Babić | ||||||||||||||||
Status: | Published | ||||||||||||||||
Creators: |
Date: | September 2015 | ||||||||||||||||
Date Deposited: | 24 Feb 2016 13:11 | ||||||||||||||||
Last Modified: | 23 Jul 2020 09:53 | ||||||||||||||||
Subjects: | / | ||||||||||||||||
Related URLs: | |||||||||||||||||
URI: | http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/2500 |
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