Super-ego u oboljelih od koronarne bolesti [ The super-ego of coronary patients ]

Bilić, Vedran (2006) Super-ego u oboljelih od koronarne bolesti [ The super-ego of coronary patients ]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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In this research, we investigated the super-ego of coronary patients. Super-ego is important factor in ones character and behavior. It has important influence on feelings, self-esteem regulation and in depression which is independent and significant risk factor of coronary disease. The results confirmed original hypothesis that coronary patents have stern super-ego. Between sample and controls we observed differences in professional attitude, ambition, level of life and professional stress and family support. Stern super-ego promotes stressful and workaholic’s life style, impairs relaxation, and unfavorably influences family support. As super-ego is involved in complex interaction of psychological factors with other risk factors of coronary disease, quality of super-ego deserves consideration in treatment and rehabilitation of coronary disease. The results of this research enhance understanding the influence of psychological factors in coronary disease. Relatively small sample and methodological difficulties limit precise evaluation of influence that stern super-ego has in coronary disease. It is necessary to continue researches.

Abstract in Croatian

U ovom radu istraživali smo super-ego oboljelih od koronarne bolesti. Super-ego je važan čimbenik karaktera i ponašanja osobe. Super-ego ima velik utjecaj na osjećaje i samopoštovanje kao i u depresiji koja je neovisan i značajan čimbenik rizika koronarne bolesti. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili početnu hipotezu da je kod značajnog broja oboljelih od koronarne bolesti super-ego strog. Između ispitanika i kontrolne skupine opservirali smo razlike u profesionalnim stavovima, ambicioznosti, nivou životnih i profesionalnih stresova i obiteljskoj podršci. Strogi super-ego potiče stresan i radoholičarski životni, otežava relaksaciju i nepovoljno utječe na podršku obitelji. Obzirom da super-ego sudjeluje u složenim interakcijama psiholoških čimbenika s drugim čimbenicima rizika koronarne bolesti, kvalitetu super-ega bi trebalo uzeti u obzir u liječenju i rehabilitaciji bolesnika s koronarnom bolesti. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su doprinos razumijevanju utjecaja psiholoških čimbenika u koronarnoj bolesti. Relativno mali uzorak i metodološke teškoće ograničavaju preciznu evaluaciju utjecaja koji strogi super-ego ima u koronarnoj bolesti. Potrebno je nastaviti istraživanja.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Gregurek, Rudolf
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: Helena Markulin
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 194
Status: Unpublished
Date: 12 December 2006
Date Deposited: 21 Feb 2007
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2012 09:01
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