Madžar, Tomislav (2015) Psihološki predskazatelji sportskih ozljeda u profesionalnih nogometaša i rukometaša. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
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The aim of this study was to assess occurrence of sports injuries among professional football land handball athletes in relation to their psychological characteristics (anxiety, motivation, depression and impulsive behaviour). In order to plan preventive measures to be as accurate as possible it is necessary to know information why an athlete in a particular situation risking injury and how a particular injury occurs. For efficient prevention of sports injuries is necessary to take into account psychological characteristics of athletes. This prospective cohort study that is conducted during a 2013/2014 sports season and includes all professional players with the first team contract in the Croatian football and handball league. Athletes who are acutely injured and who are not able to actively participate in the competitions are not included in the study. A total number of 265 male athletes (182 football players and 83 handball players) has been selected for assessment. They were surveyed during preparation period before the beginning of the season and are still under monitoring during season for occurrence of newly developed sports injuries. Seriousness of the injury was assessed depending on the length of non-participation in sports activities which was obtained from the history of attending a sporting event through the course of the study. Psychological characteristics were assessed with General Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), Self-report Depression Scale for Research in the General Population (CES-D Scale) and questions about impulsive behaviour. By analysing two sports - football and handball, we found similarities, differences and certain elements that are common to both sports. The most commonly injured body parts, severity and frequency of injuries during competition generally matches with data known from other authors and put situation in the Croatian sport in the wider context. The number of injuries during training almost identical between the two sports, and much lower than the results described, which is an unexpected finding that requires further elaboration. In terms of assessment of psychological factors on the occurrence of injuries in sport, which is the primary focus of this paper, we have observed a correlation five psychological instruments - CES-D, GAD-7, SMS-28, PSIS and KPQ-50-CC (or their factors) with the emergence of injuries. It was proven by use of multiple regression model that higher levels of impulsive behaviour and anxiety lead to increased risks of injury, while mental preparation lowers that risk. The mentioned statement was found true only for football, while no model of regression analysis showed a significant predictive value in the context of professional handball. The association is observed by considering the value and scale factors in the context of the existence of injury, the statistical comparison of these values according to different aspects such as the existence and severity of injury and simple and multiple regression models to predict the observed variables. Our results speak against the use of certain scale, such as the CES-D in such research, while certain elements of other scale gives an important role in the prediction of injury. The final model underlines the importance of the elements of sociability and introjection in the context of football athletes and gives clear guidance for coaches, sports physicians and psychologists.
Abstract in Croatian
Primarni cilj rada bio je analizirati povezanost određenih psiholoških značajki profesionalnih nogometaša i rukometaša te nastanka, učestalosti i vrste profesionalnih ozljeda. Istraživanje je prospektivna kohortna studija koja je provedena tijekom jedne sportske sezone. U istraživanje su bili uključeni profesionalni igrači s ugovorom prve momčadi u hrvatskoj nogometnoj ligi i rukometnoj ligi tijekom jedne sezone koji nisu akutno ozlijeđeni te koji su sposobni aktivno sudjelovati u natjecanjima. Igrači koji su se naknadno tijekom sezone pridruživali momčadi također su bili uključeni u istraživanje ako su zadovoljavali uključne kriterije. Konačni broj ispitanika obuhvatio je 182 profesionalna nogometaša i 83 profesionalna rukometaša odnosno ukupno 265 osoba koje su bili anketirane na početku istraživanja odnosno nakon pripremnog razdoblja prije početka sezone. Uz koordinaciju sa sportskim liječnicima, trenerima i fizioterapeutima pojedinih klubova pratila se pojavnost sportskih ozljeda tijekom cijele sezone prema unificiranim i standardiziranim obrascima. Ozbiljnost ozljede ocjenjivana je ovisno o duljini nesudjelovanja u sportskim aktivnostima, prema informacijama dobivenima iz klubova tijekom provođenja studije. U procjeni psiholoških značajki koristili su se specifični validirani upitnici povezani s procjenom mentalnog zdravlja i psihofizičkih napora na hrvatskom jeziku: Skala motivacije u sportu, Upitnik za procjenu anksioznosti, Upitnik za procjenu psiholoških vještina u sportaša, CES-D upitnik za procjenu depresije te ZKPQ-50-CC Upitnik za procjenu impulzivnosti. Svi korišteni upitnici u odgovorima sadržavaju Likertove ljestvice te su pogodni za daljnje kvantificiranje pojedinih psiholoških značajki. Najčešće ozlijeđeni dijelovi tijela, težina i učestalost ozljeda tijekom natjecanja uglavnom se preklapaju s podacima poznatima od drugih autora, gdje se stanje u hrvatskom sportu stavlja u širi kontekst. Broj ozljeda tijekom treninga gotovo je identičan između dva sporta i znatno manji od opisanih rezultata, što je neočekivan nalaz koji traži daljnju elaboraciju. Regresijski model koji je kao prediktore uključivao nastupanje sportaša u prvoj postavi, te izraženost osobina socijabilnosti i introjekcije pokazao je vrlo dobru prediktivnu vrijednost s površinom ispod krivulje ROC od 0,78. U multivarijatnom regresijskom modelu dokazano je da veća razina impulzivnosti i anksioznosti rezultira s povećanim rizikom od ozljede, dok mentalna pripremljenost smanjuje taj rizik. Navedeno je utvrđeno samo za nogomet, dok kod profesionalnog rukometa nijedan model regresijske analize nije pokazao značajnu prediktivnu vrijednost. Naši rezultati govore u prilog protiv uporabe određenih ljestvica (kao što su CES-D) u ovakvim istraživanjima, dok određenim elementima drugih ljestvica daje bitnu ulogu u predikciji nastanka ozljede. Konačni model tako naglašava važnost elemenata socijabilnosti i introjekcije te impulzivnosti, anksioznosti i mentalne pripreme kod nogometaša te daje jasnu smjernicu trenerima, sportskim liječnicima i psiholozima.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) | ||||
Mentors: |
Departments: | Katedra za psihijatriju i psihološku medicinu | ||||
Depositing User: | Helena Markulin | ||||
University: | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | ||||
Institution: | Medicinski fakultet | ||||
Number of Pages: | 101 | ||||
Status: | Unpublished | ||||
Creators: |
Date: | 1 July 2015 | ||||
Date Deposited: | 23 Jan 2020 12:13 | ||||
Last Modified: | 23 Jan 2020 12:13 | ||||
Subjects: | QT Physiology > QT 250-275 Leisure Activities. Sports Medicine | ||||
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