Knežević, Bojana
Stres na radu i radna sposobnost zdravstvenih djelatnika u bolnicama.
PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
The present study shows how and to what extent occupational stress impacts on work ability of hospital health care workers. The participants (N=1856) were health care workers employed at 19 different departments of 5 hospitals in Zagreb. The response rate was 78%. The majority of the participants were women; 1500 (80,8%). The greatest proportion of the participants were nurses/medical technicians with secondary school or college degree, 1253 (67,5%). Four hundred seventy-eight participants (25,8%) were physicians, 37 (2,0%) were other health care professionals and 89 (4,7%) participants did not provide information on their occupation. Participation in the study was anonymous. Two questionnaires were used: Occupational Stress Assessment Questionnaire for Hospital Health Care Workers and Work Ability Index (WAI) Questionnaire. Several statistical tests were conducted: Smirnov-Kolmogorov test and t-test, Scheffe's test and χ2 test. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Linear regression analysis (univariate and multivariate) was performed with WAI being the criterion variable and stress perception and demographic characterics being predictors. The results suggest that two thirds of health care workers recognized their workplace as a source of stress. Organizational and financial issues were the greatest source of stress. Half of the participants considered the following factors very stressful: erroneously informed patients and their unrealistic expectations, inappropriate public criticism and dealing with incurable patients. Lawsuit threat was perceived very stressful by one third of participants, whereas conflicts and poor interpersonal communication, fear of infection and sharp object injury, and night work were considered very stressful by more than a third of participants. Other forms of shift work were very stressful for more than a fourth of participants. In this study, health care workers had on average very good work ability. All stressors, sex and age were significantly negatively associated with WAI among health care workers. There was a significant negative association between work ability and organizational and financial issues among physicians. Furthermore, work ability of nurses/technicians was significantly negatively associated with conflicts, poor communication and shift work in addition to organizational and financial issues. Preventive measures at organizational and individual level are proposed based on the results of this study.
Abstract in Croatian
Rad prikazuje kako i koliko stres na radu utječe na radnu sposobnost zdravstvenih djelatnika u bolnicama. Ispitanici (N=1856) zdravstveni djelatnici su bili zaposleni u 5 zagrebačkih bolnica na 19 različitih specijalističkih odjela. Odaziv istraživanju je bio sa stopom odgovora (engl. response rate) od 78%. Ispitanici su bile većinom žene; 1500 (80,8%). Najveći broj ispitanika bio je 1253 (67,5%) medicinskih sestara/tehničara s višom ili srednjom školom, 478 (25,8%) liječnika, 37 (2,0%) ostalih medicinskih djelatnika visoke stručne spreme i 89 (4,7%) ih nije odgovorilo. Istraživanje se provodilo anonimno primjenom dva upitnika: Upitnika o stresorima na radnom mjestu bolničkih zdravstvenih djelatnika i Upitnika za određivanje pokazatelja (indeksa) radne sposobnosti (eng. Work Ability Index (WAI) Questionnaire. Od statističkih testova korišteni su Smirnov-Kolmogorovljev test na normalnost i odgovarajući parametrijski testovi, t-test, Scheffeov test i χ2 test. P vrijednosti ispod 0.05 smatrale su se statistički značajnim. Za ispitivanje predviđanja radne sposobnosti na osnovi stresora na radnom mjestu te demografskih obilježja ispitanika korištena je linearna regresijska analiza, univarijantna analiza i multivarijatna analiza. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da dvije trećine zdravstvenih djelatnika prepoznaje svoje radno mjesto kao izvor stresa. Organizacija rada i financijska ograničenja su najveći izvor stresa. Za polovinu ispitanika kao izvor visokog stresa izdvajaju se pogrešno informirani pacijenti i njihova nerealna očekivanja, neprimjerena javna kritika i suočavanje s neizlječivim bolesnicima. Prijetnja sudske tužbe je visoko stresna za trećinu ispitanika, dok su za više od trećine ispitanika to sukobi i loša međuljudska komunikacija, strah od zaraze, ozljeda oštrim predmetima, i noćni rad. Ostali oblici smjenskog rada su izvor stresa za nešto više od četvrtine ispitanika. Zdravstveni djelatnici u ovom istraživanju imaju prosječno vrlo dobru radnu sposobnost. Svi stresori, spol i dob su značajno negativno povezani s pokazateljem radne sposobnosti zdravstvenih djelatnika. Na radnu sposobnost liječnika značajno negativno utječu organizacijska i financijska pitanja, a na radnu posobnost medicinskih sestara/tehničara još dodatno utječu sukobi i loša komunikacija i smjenski rad. Temeljem rezultata predlažu se preventivne mjere na organizacijskoj razini i razini pojedinca.
Item Type: |
Mentors: |
Mentor |
Mustajbegović, Jadranka |
Departments: |
Izvan medicinskog fakulteta |
Depositing User: |
Marijan Šember
University: |
Sveučilište u Zagrebu |
Institution: |
Medicinski fakultet |
Number of Pages: |
100 |
Status: |
Unpublished |
Creators: |
Creators | Email |
Knežević, Bojana | UNSPECIFIED |
Date: |
10 September 2010 |
Date Deposited: |
22 Oct 2010 |
Last Modified: |
23 Sep 2011 16:11 |
Subjects: |
/ |
Related URLs: |
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