Terapijski efekt BPC 157 na ishemijsku leziju slezene štakora s reperfuzijskim efektom

Jelinčić, Željko (2010) Terapijski efekt BPC 157 na ishemijsku leziju slezene štakora s reperfuzijskim efektom. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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Infarction of the spleen is a rare condition accompanied by serious comorbidity. In literature protective and therapeutic effect of pentadecapaptid BPC 157 is well documented in many pathological conditions including ischemia induced states. It is suggested that the model of action of BPC 157 through the NO system. Aim: The aim was to explore the therapeutic effect of BPC 157 on ischemic lesion of rat spleen in early and late phase of their development and monitoring evolution of the lesion in reperfusion. The effect of BPC 157 was compared with the effect of L-NAME and L-arginine on equal tissue and in the same circumstances. Material and methods: The material was Wistar rat females weight 200-300g and the trials were carried out with the circulation cut off in the spleen in a way that in each trial a group was given BPC 157 (10 µg, 10ng/kg i.p.), and the second group was control. After that followed a macroscopic and microscopic analysis of results. Results: The macroscopic measurements represented the value of the spleen’s infracted area (30 minutes of ischemia) and microscopic preparation (12, 18 and 24 hours of ischemia) took measurements of healthy area per 10 visual microscopic fields. In all trials p<0,005. BPC 157 given in both doses significantly decreased the infracted area and enlarged the percentage of healthy spleen area in rats whose spleen’s blood vessels were ligated. Conclusion: BPC 157 has an effect on ischemic lesion in rat spleena, as prevention of leasion development and as therapy of an advanced lesion; L-NAME and L-arginine changes the evolution of the ischemic lesion of the spleen; and BPC 157 has a therapeutic effect in conditions of NO synthase blockade (L-NAME) and application NO precursor (L-arginine).

Abstract in Croatian

Infarkt slezene je rijetko stanje u pravilu praćeno ozbiljnim komorbiditetom. Literatura dobro dokumentira protektivno i terapijsko djelovanje pentadekapeptida BPC 157 u mnogim patološkim stanjima uključujući i ona inducirana ishemijom. Predložen je model djelovanja BPC 157 preko NO sustava. Cilj: Cilj rada je bio istražiti terapijski efekt BPC-a 157 na ishemičku leziju slezene štakora u ranoj i kasnijoj fazi njenog nastanka i praćenje ponašanja lezije u reperfuziji. Efekt BPC-a 157 je bio uspoređen s efektom L-NAME i L-arginina na isto tkivo i u istim okolnostima. Materijal i metode: Materijal su bile ženke Wistar štakora težine od 200-300 g, a izvedeni su pokusi s potpunim prekidom cirkulacije kroz slezenu na način da je jednoj grupi u svakom pokusu davan BPC 157 (10mg, 10 ng/kg) dok je druga grupa bila kontrola. Nakon toga su slijedile makroskopske i mikroskopske analize rezultata. Rezultati: Rezultati makroskopskih mjerenja prikazali su veličine infarkciranih površina slezene (30 minuta ishemije), a na mikroskopskim se preparatima (12,18 i 24 sata ishemije) očitavao postotak zdrave površine na 10 mikroskopskih vidnih polja. Razina signifikantnosti je u svim pokusima bila na vrijednosti p<0.05. BPC 157 davan u obje doze singifikantno je smanjio infarkcirano područje i povećao udio zdravih područja slezene u štakora u kojih su krvne žile slezene bile ligirane. Zaključak: BPC 157 djeluje terapijski na ishemičke lezije slezene štakora i kao preventiva nastanka i kao terapija razvijene lezije; L-NAME i L-arginin mijenjaju tijek ishemičkih lezija slezene; i BPC 157 terapijski djeluje i u uvjetima blokade NO sintetaze (L-NAME) te aplikacije prekursora NO (L-arginina).

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Majerović , Mate
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: dr.med. Helena Markulin
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 110
Status: Unpublished
Jelinčić, Željko UNSPECIFIED
Date: 11 March 2010
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2010
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2011 16:11
Subjects: /
Related URLs:
    URI: http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/819

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