Ovisnost adolescenata o internetu [Internet addiction in adolescents]

Pavlinović, Silvana (2019) Ovisnost adolescenata o internetu [Internet addiction in adolescents]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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Introduction: Internet addiction is a growing globally generational, biopsychosocial, health and a bioethical problem which is still hard to determine and to describe because it's new and uncharted territory so accordingly it falls into obsessive compulsive disorder. Aim: the aim of the research is to question the frequency of internet addiction, to deepen the comprehension of the pathological Internet, questioning the quality of life and personality dimensions according to the „Great Five“ theory, and to conduct analysis to determine are there differences to the level and the type in addictions of Croatian adolescents, as well as Polish and Finnish ones; Method: the pattern in this research was made up by adolescents from Croatia, Finland and Poland. The examinees were giving their answers in writing via anonymous questionnaire on their IT classes. Conclusion: this research determined that a great number of interviewed adolescents, 86,4% of them, does not show signs of internet addiction and 12,8% of them show signs of moderate addiction. 0,8% of interviewed adolescents show signs of alarmingly serious internet addiction. Croatian adolescents statistically show a significantly bigger internet addiction (20,7%) compared to Polish adolescent (11.1%) and especially opposed to Finnish ones (5,4%).

Abstract in Croatian

Uvod: Ovisnost o internetu rastući je globalno generacijski, bio psihosocijalni, zdravstveni i bioetički problem koji je još uvijek teško odrediti i opisati jer je novo i neistraženo područje pa se prema tome svrstavaju u opsesivno-kompulzivne poremećaje. Cilj je istraživanja bio ispitati čestoću ovisnosti o internetu, produbiti spoznaje o patološkoj uporabi interneta ispitujući kvalitetu života te dimenzija ličnosti prema teoriji „velikih pet“, te provesti analizu stanja i utvrditi postoji li razlika u stupnju i vrsti ovisnosti hrvatskih adolescenata te finskih i poljskih adolescenata. Metoda Rada: Uzorak su sačinjavali adolescenti iz Hrvatske, Finske i Poljske. Ispitanici su pismeno odgovarali na ponuđena pitanja u anonimnome anketnom upitniku na satovima informatike. Zaključak: Ovim je istraživanjem utvrđeno da velika većina ispitanih adolescenata, 86,4% nema znakove ovisnosti o internetu, a 12,8% anketiranih adolescenata pokazuje znakove umjerene ovisnosti. Znakove zabrinjavajuće ozbiljne ovisnosti o internetu pokazuje 0,8% anketiranih adolescenata. Adolescenti iz Hrvatske pokazuju statistički značajno veću ovisnost o internetu (20,7%) u odnosu na adolescente iz Poljske (11,1%), a naročito u odnosu na adolescente iz Finske (5,4%).

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Orešković, Stjepan
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: dr.med. Helena Markulin
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 165
Status: Unpublished
Pavlinović, SilvanaUNSPECIFIED
Date: 18 December 2019
Date Deposited: 03 Sep 2020 09:29
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2020 09:29
Subjects: /
Related URLs:
    URI: http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/3635

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