Povezanost koncentracije preovulacijskoga i postovulacijskoga progesterona u serumu i ishoda izvantjelesne oplodnje [The relationship between the preovulatory and postovulatory progesterone serum concentration and the outcome of in vitro fertilization]

Ejubović, Emina (2018) Povezanost koncentracije preovulacijskoga i postovulacijskoga progesterona u serumu i ishoda izvantjelesne oplodnje [The relationship between the preovulatory and postovulatory progesterone serum concentration and the outcome of in vitro fertilization]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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Aim: To investigate the influence of elevated preovulatory and postovulatory progesterone (P4) on the outcome of in vitro fertilization. Materials and methods: This is a prospectice cohort study which included 400 patients (300 in the control group and 100 in the group with elevated preovulatory P4 – 85 normal responders and 15 high responders). The IVF outcome among patients with normal preovulatory P4 as compared to the patients with elevated preovulatory P4, the IVF outcome among normal and high responders, the influence of the embryo transfer type (BET or FET) among patients with elevated preovulatory P4 on the outcome of IVF procedures and the influence of postovulatory P4 on the IVF outcome have been investigated in this study. Results: Positive IVF outcome has been recorded in about one third of all the performed procedures in the control and the study group, with slightly better outcome with elevated preovulatory P4. Better outcome with FET among normal responders and a discretely better outcome with BET among high responders has been recorded. Better IVF outcome has been recorded with P4 on the 5th day >425,7 nmol/L among all the patients and with P4 on the 5th day >384,6 nmol/L among patients with elevated preovulatory P4. Conclusion: Elevated preovulatory P4 has a slightly protective effect on IVF outcome while the P4 on the 5th day >425,7 nmol/L could be a potential marker for the success of the IVF procedures among all the patients and with P4 on the 5th day >384,6 nmol/L among patients with elevated preovulatory P4.

Abstract in Croatian

Svrha: Ispitati utjecaj povišenog preovulacijskoga i postovulacijskoga progesterona (P4) na ishod izvantjelesne oplodnje. Materijali i metode: Ovo je prospektivno kohortno istraživanje koje je uključilo 400 ispitanica (300 u kontrolnoj skupini i 100 u skupini s povišenim preovulacijskim P4 - 85 normal respondera i 15 high respondera). Uspoređen je ishod IVF postupka kod ispitanica s normalnim vrijednostima P4 u odnosu na ispitanice s povišenim preovulacijskim P4, ishod IVF postupka kod normal i high respondera, utjecaj vrste transfera (BET ili FET) kod ispitanica s povišenim vrijednostima preovulacijskoga P4 na ishod IVF postupka, te utjecaj postovulacijskoga P4 na ishod IVF postupka. Rezultati: Pozitivan ishod IVF postupka zabilježen je u oko jedne trećine od svih učinjenih postupaka kod kontrolne i ispitivane skupine, uz nešto bolji ishod pri povišenim vrijednostima preovulacijskoga P4. Kod normal respondera bolji je ishod pri FET transferu, dok je kod high respondera nešto bolji uspjeh pri BET transferu. Bolji ishod IVF-a zabilježen je pri vrijednosti P4 5. dana >425,7 nmol/L kod svih ispitanica, odnosno pri vrijednosti P4 5. dana >384,6 nmol/L kod ispitanica s povišenim vrijednostima preovulacijskoga P4. Zaključak: Povišene vrijednosti preovulacijskoga P4 imaju blagi protektivni utjecaj na ishod IVF postupka, dok bi vrijednosti P4 5. dana >425,7 nmol/L mogle biti potencijalni biljeg uspješnosti IVF postupka kod svih ispitanica, odnosno, pri vrijednosti P4 5. dana >384,6 nmol/L kod ispitanica s povišenim vrijednostima preovulacijskoga P4.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Kasum, Miro
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: Anja Majstorović
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 90
Status: Unpublished
Ejubović, EminaUNSPECIFIED
Date: 23 May 2018
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2019 10:14
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2019 10:14
Subjects: /
Related URLs:
    URI: http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/3035

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