Pokazatelji intenziteta intoksikacije terminske posteljice duhanskim dimom [Indicators of the intensity of intoxication of the term placenta by tobacco smoke]

Novosel, Irena (2015) Pokazatelji intenziteta intoksikacije terminske posteljice duhanskim dimom [Indicators of the intensity of intoxication of the term placenta by tobacco smoke]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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Two hundred and ninety women who had just given birth were divided into four groups with respect to the smoking habit: OP – women that did not smoke during pregnancy; PP – women that did not smoke during pregnancy but were exposed to passive smoking; AP – women that were active smokers during pregnancy, but their partners or household members were not; KP – women that were active smokers during pregnancy as well as their partners and/or household members. Every woman completed a questionnaire, and placental samples were taken for histopathologicl and immunochemical analysis with p53, bcl-2, HSP-70 and metallothionein. Placental morphological index (MIP), placental immuno-histochemical index (IHIP) and placental intoxication index (IIP) as the sum total of MIP and IHIP were determined. On the basis of neonatological parameters and macroscopic placental features it was not possible to distinguish between newborns and placentas exposed to tobacco smoke and unexposed ones. Placentas exposed to tobacco smoke during gestation could be distinguished by histological and immunohistochemical analysis through MIP, IHIP and IIP: MIP, IHIP and IIP could distinguish unexposed placentas and placentas exposed to harmful influences, while MIP and IIP also distinguish the mode of exposure because of the significantly different values of the parameters that showed a difference between passive and active exposure, but not between active and combined exposure. Accordingly, MIP, IHIP, and IIP can be used as indicators of placental intoxication by tobacco smoke.

Abstract in Croatian

S obzirom na naviku pušenja, 290 rodilja podijeljeno je u četiri skupine: OP – rodilje nisu pušile tijekom trudnoće, PP – rodilje nisu pušile tijekom trudnoće, ali su bile izložene pasivnom pušenju, AP – rodilje su aktivno pušile tijekom trudnoće, ali nisu njihovi partneri niti ukućani, KP – rodilje su aktivno pušile tijekom trudnoće kao i njihovi partneri i/ili ukućani. Svaka rodilja je ispunila anketu, te su izuzeti uzorci posteljica radi patohistološke i imunohistokemijske analize s p53, bcl-2, Hsp70 i metalotioneinom na temelju čega su formirani morfološki indeks posteljice (MIP), imunohistokemijski indeks posteljice (IHIP), te intoksikacijski indeks posteljice (IIP) kao zbroj MIP i IHIP. Na temelju novorođenačkih pokazatelja i makroskopskih značajki posteljice, nije bilo moguće razlikovati novorođenčad i posteljice izložene intrauterino duhanskom dimu od neizloženih. Histološkom i imunohistokemijskom analizom kroz MIP, IHIP i IIP bilo je moguće razlikovati posteljice koje su tijekom gestacijske dobi bile izložene duhanskom dimu na način da su MIP, IHIP i IIP razlikovali neizložene od izloženih štetnom utjecaju, dok su MIP i IIP razlikovali i način izlaganja s obzirom da su značajno različite vrijednosti parametara pokazale razliku između pasivne i aktivne, ali ne i aktivne od kombinirane izloženosti. Stoga MIP, IHIP i IIP mogu poslužiti kao pokazatelji intoksikacije posteljica duhanskim dimom.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Babić, Damir
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: Marijan Šember
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 115
Status: Unpublished
Date: 20 April 2015
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2015 11:16
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2015 11:16
Subjects: /
Related URLs:
    URI: http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/2236

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