Terapijski odgovor i promjena koncentracije N-acetil aspartata u liječenju shizofrenije novim antipsihoticima [Terapeutical effect and change in N-acetyle aspartate concentration in treatment of schizoprenic patients with atypical antipsychotics]

Grošić, Vladimir (2014) Terapijski odgovor i promjena koncentracije N-acetil aspartata u liječenju shizofrenije novim antipsihoticima [Terapeutical effect and change in N-acetyle aspartate concentration in treatment of schizoprenic patients with atypical antipsychotics]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) enables the insight into the structure and function of the brain. The correlation between the decrease in N-acetyl aspartat (NAA) and the severity of illness has been found in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic patients. The hypothesis of the research is that there is the relationship of the NAA concentration and the clinical picture of schizophrenia, as well as of therapeutic response during treatment with new generation antipsychotics (atypical antipsychotics). Also, NAA can serve as the marker of objectivisation of therapeutic response. The aim is to investigate the correlates of clinical therapeutic response by using the parameters measured by 1H-MRS after the administration of atypical antipsychotics, with the assumption that the NAA level will increase. The investigation will include 32 randomly chosen schizophrenic patients. The examinees will undergo 1H-MRS at the beginning and 12 months after treatment with the application of measuring scales. It is expected that the research will reveal diagnostic biomarkers in predicting therapeutic response, and that it will be of importance in preventing relapse and in improving diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia.

Abstract in Croatian

Uvid u strukturu i funkciju mozga omogućava magnetska spektroskopija (1H-MRS). U dorzolateralnom prefrontalnom korteksu shizofrenih bolesnika nađena je povezanost između smanjenja N-acetil aspartata (NAA) i težine bolesti. Hipoteza istraživanja je da postoji povezanost koncentracije NAA u odnosu na kliničku sliku shizofrenije i terapijski odgovor tijekom liječenja antipsihoticima nove generacije, te da NAA može poslužiti kao marker objektivizacije terapijskog odgovora. Cilj je istražiti korelate kliničkog terapijskog odgovora sa parametrima mjerenim 1H-MRS nakon primjene novih antipsihotika, s pretpostavkom da će doći do povećanja razine NAA. U istraživanje će biti uključena 32 slučajno odabrana shizofrena bolesnika. Ispitanicima će biti učinjen 1H-MRS na početku i nakon 12 mjeseci liječenja uz primjenu mjernih skala. Očekuje se da će se istraživanjem prepoznati dijagnostički biomarker u predviđanju odgovora na terapiju, te da će biti od značaja u prevenciji relapsa i poboljšati dijagnostičke kriterije za shizofreniju.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Henigsberg, Neven
Departments: Izvan medicinskog fakulteta
Depositing User: Marijan Šember
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 130
Status: Unpublished
Grošić, VladimirUNSPECIFIED
Date: 30 April 2014
Date Deposited: 23 May 2014 10:07
Last Modified: 23 May 2014 10:07
Subjects: /
Related URLs:
    URI: http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/2106

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