Lamot, Lovro
Poremećaji genskoga izražaja u bolesnika s juvenilnim seronegativnim spondiloartropatijama [Distinctive gene expression in patients with juvenile seronegative spondyloarthtopathy].
PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
Introduction: Juvenile spondyloarthritis (jSpA) refers to spectrum of unpredictable
inflammatory diseases with overlapping features in children younger than 16 years. There is a
strong association of jSpA with HLA-B27 genotype, but many studies shows that other
genetic factors, of which we have little or no knowledge, plays a role in the development of
jSpA. ----- Patients and methods: In this study participated 45 children with obtained HLA genotype
and diagnosis of jSpA according to ILAR criteria, as well as 11 children with other forms of
JIA and 12 children without diagnosis of inflammatory disease. DNA microarray gene
expression was preformed in 11 patients with jSpA and in 4 participants without diagnosis of
inflammatory disease, along with bioinformatic analysis of retrieved data. Carefully selected
differentially expressed genes where analyzed by qRT-PCR in all participants. ----- Results: Microarray results and bioinformatic analysis revealed 745 differentially expressed
genes involved in various inflammatory processes in jSpA patients, while qRT-PCR analysis
confirmed data universality and specificity. ----- Conclusion: Our findings showed that jSpA is polygenic disease with malfunction in antigen
recognition and activation of immunological response, in migration of inflammatory cells and
in regulation of the immune system. Results of our study can be used for further investigation
of disease patophisiology and new treatment options.
Abstract in Croatian
Uvod: Juvenilni spondiloartritis (jSpA) je naziv za skupinu upalnih bolesti nepredvidivog
tijeka koje imaju mnoga preklapajuća obilježja, a javljaju se u djece prije 16. godine života.
Najčešće se povezuju s HLA-B27 genotipom, no mnoga istraživanja pokazala su da postoji
niz do sada nepoznatih gena izvan HLA sustava koji utječu na razvoj bolesti. ----- Sudionici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 45 djece s poznatim HLA genotipom,
kojima je dijagnoza nediferencirane jSpA postavljena pomoću ILAR-ovih kriterija, 11 djece s
postavljenom dijagnozom drugog oblika JIA-a te 12 djece bez dijagnoze upalne bolesti. Kod
11 djece s jSpA i kod četvero djece bez dijagnoze upalne bolesti učinjena je analiza genskoga
izražaja pomoću DNA čipa te bioinformatička analiza dobivenih rezultata. Kod svih
sudionika učinjena je qRT-PCR analiza deset pomno odabranih gena. ----- Rezultati: Analiza na DNA čipu pokazala je da kod bolesnika s jSpA postoji razlika u
izražaju 745 gena koji sudjeluju u raznim upalnim procesima, dok je qRT-PCR analiza
potvrdila da su dobiveni rezultati univerzalni i specifični za bolesnike s jSpA. ----- Zaključak: Rezultati provedenog istraživanja pokazali su da je jSpA poligenska bolest u
kojoj dolazi do poremećaja u prepoznavanju patogena i aktivaciji imunološkog odgovora, u
migraciji upalnih stanica te u regulaciji imunuloškog sustava, zbog čega mogu poslužiti kao
putokaz za daljnja istraživanja patogenetskih mehanizama i novih modaliteta liječenja.
Item Type: |
Mentors: |
Departments: |
Katedra za pedijatriju |
Depositing User: |
Marijan Šember
University: |
Sveučilište u Zagrebu |
Institution: |
Medicinski fakultet |
Number of Pages: |
143 |
Status: |
Unpublished |
Creators: |
Creators | Email |
Lamot, Lovro | UNSPECIFIED |
Date: |
31 March 2014 |
Date Deposited: |
07 May 2014 11:30 |
Last Modified: |
07 May 2014 11:30 |
Subjects: |
/ |
Related URLs: |
URI: | |
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