Application of the amniotic membrane extract (AMX) for the persistent epithelial defect (PED) of the cornea [Primjena ekstrakta amnijske membrane (AMX) za perzistirajući epitelni defekt (PED) rožnice]

Kordić, Rajko and Popović Suić, Smiljka and Jandroković, Sonja and Kalauz, Miro and Kuzman, Tomislav and Škegro, Ivan and Jukić, Tomislav (2013) Application of the amniotic membrane extract (AMX) for the persistent epithelial defect (PED) of the cornea [Primjena ekstrakta amnijske membrane (AMX) za perzistirajući epitelni defekt (PED) rožnice]. Collegium Antropologicum, 37 (S. 1). pp. 161-164. ISSN 0350-6134

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A lot of pathological conditions could provoke damaging of the innervations of the cornea and lead to persistent epithelial defect (PED). AMX is lyophilized preparation of amniotic membrane (AM), which contains biological components and efficacy of AM for treatment of the corneal surface defects. In processing all the substances essential for biological effects of AM are preserved (growth factors, neutrophins, interleukins, receptors, fibronectins and different types of collagen). A patient can apply AMX as eye drops by himself in his home, thus avoiding surgical procedure. We presented two patients with PED; we treated them with eye drops of AMX, 2 drops every hour during day time. There was observed healing effect by reducing epithelial defect. Almost after a second day of application, and after 1-2 week period PED that persisted for weeks healed completely.

Abstract in Croatian

Mnoga patološka stanja mogu uzrokovati oštećenje inervacije rožnice i dovesti do perzistirajućeg epitelnog defekta (PED). AMX je liofilizirani preparat amnijskemembrane (AM), koji zadržava biološke komponente i efikasnost AM-e za liječenje površinski defekata rožnice. U preradi su sačuvane sve bitne supstance za biološko djelovanje AM-e (faktori rasta, neutrofini, interleukin, rceptori, fibronektin i razni tipovi kolagena). Bolesnik može primjenjivati AMX u oblik kapi za oči, sam kod kuće, izbjegavajući kirurški postupak. Prikazali smo dva bolesnika s PED-om koji su liječeni kapima AMX-a, 2 kapi svaki sat tokom dana. Opaženo je ubrzano cijeljenje smanjenjem epitelnog defekta već nakon dva dana liječenja, a nakon 1–2 tjedna, PED koji je trajao tjednima potpuno je zacijelio.

Item Type: Article
MeSH: Adult ; Amnion/transplantation ; Corneal Diseases/therapy ; Female ; Humans ; Male ; Middle Aged ; Tissue Extracts/therapeutic use
Departments: Katedra za oftalmologiju
Depositing User: Marijan Šember
Status: Published
Popović Suić, SmiljkaUNSPECIFIED
Jandroković, SonjaUNSPECIFIED
Kuzman, TomislavUNSPECIFIED
Jukić, TomislavUNSPECIFIED
Date: April 2013
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2014 13:05
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2020 10:41
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