Razvojno porijeklo intersticijskih neurona i regionalne razlike u njihovoj raspodjeli, brojnosti i fenotipovima u mozgu čovjeka [Developmental origin of white matter interstitial neurons and their regional differences in distribution, morpology and phenotype in human brain]

Sedmak, Goran (2013) Razvojno porijeklo intersticijskih neurona i regionalne razlike u njihovoj raspodjeli, brojnosti i fenotipovima u mozgu čovjeka [Developmental origin of white matter interstitial neurons and their regional differences in distribution, morpology and phenotype in human brain]. PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

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The number of interstitial neurons of white matter is currently unknown. The interstitial neurons of white matter are large and important population of neurons in the human brain linked with a number of developmental and degenerative brain disorders. Thus, it is of vital importance to determine regional distribution, morphologic types and molecular phenotype of interstitial neurons. In present study we analyzed the number, morphology and phenotype of interstitial neurons in five regions of adult human brain. The avarage nubmer of interstitial neurons of white matter in humans is 567.860.508,4 neurons/mm3. The only regional difference in the density of interstitial neurons is observed in cyngulate cortex. There is no significant difference in intestitial neurons density between frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital cortex. All morphological types of subplate neurons are present also in the interstitial neurons. Upon analyzing expression patterns of mouse subplate specific genes in human brain we elucidatad five potential candidate genes for human subplate specific genes. This study is introduction for the more detailed study of gene expression and more detailed molecular profile of subplate and interstitial neurons of white matter.

Abstract in Croatian

Broj intersticijskih neurona u bijeloj tvari moždane kore čovjeka do sada nije bio poznat. Intersticijski neuroni čine veliku populaciju neurona u bijeloj tvari ljudskog telencefalona, a vjeruje se da su uključeni u patogenezu mnogih razvojnih i degenerativnih bolesti i poremećaja mozga. Stoga je bitno poznavati njihovu regionalnu raspodjelu te morfološke i molekularne fenotipove. U ovom radu smo analizirali brojnost,i fenotipove intersticijskih neurona u pet različitih kortikalnih područja. Prosječni broj intersticijskih neurona u odraslom ljudskom mozgu je 567.860.508,4 neurona/mm3. Regionalne razlike mogu se uočiti između cingularne kore i ostalih kortikalnih područja, no nisu uočene značajne razlike u gustoći neurona između čeonog, tjemenog, sljepoočnog i zatiljnog režnja. Svi morfološki tipovi neurona fetalne subplate zone su prisutni i kod intersticijskih neurona odrasle moždane kore. Na temelju subplate specifičnih gena u miša i analizom njihove ekspresije u mozgu čovjeka pronašli smo pet potencijalnih kandidata za subplate specifične gene kod čovjeka. Ova disertacija uvod je u opsežniju analizu transkriptoma, te u detaljnu izradu molekularnog fenotipa subplate i intersticijskih neurona.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Judaš, Miloš
Šestan, Nenad
Departments: Hrvatski institut za istraživanje mozga
Depositing User: Marijan Šember
University: Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Institution: Medicinski fakultet
Number of Pages: 107
Status: Unpublished
Date: 13 September 2013
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2013 11:15
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2013 11:15
Subjects: /
Related URLs:
    URI: http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/1958

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