Pažanin, Leo
Povezanost izraženosti IGFBP-2 i IGFBP-5 s pokazateljima angiogeneze te njihov prognostički značaj kod glioblastoma [Correlation of IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 expressions with the markers of angiogensis in glioblastoma and their prognostic significance].
PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
Glioblastoma is the most malignant, the best vascularised and the most
frequent primary brain tumor. IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 through their IGFdependent
and IGF-independent actions might have a significant role in
anaplastic progression of astroglial tumors. The relationship between the
expressions of these proteins and VEGF suggests the proangiogenic role for
IGFBP-2 and antiangiogenic role for IGFBP-5. This is the basis for our
hypothesis that IGFPB-2 expression positively and IGFBP-5 expression
negatively correlate with the microvessel density and vascular patterns and that
these correlations have prognostic impact in glioblastoma patients.
To test this hypothesis we will immunohistochemically determine IGFBP-2 and
IGFBP-5 expression, microvessel density and vascular patterns on 56
glioblastoma biopsy samples.
Our results show IGFBP-2 expression in most glioblastomas (75%) and IGFBP-
5 expression in only 30% tumors. IGFBP-5 expression does not correlate with
the microvessel density or with morphological pattern of neovascularisation and
has no prognostic value. IGFBP- 2 expression correlates with the presence of
palisading necrosis and with the presence of bizarre pattern of
neovascularisation. IGFBP-2 immunoreactivity in more than 5% of tumor cells
and the presence of palisading necrosis were prognostically significant in
univariant analysis while in multivariant analysis only a patient’s age and the
presence of palisading necrosis remained statistically significant.
Abstract in Croatian
Glioblastom je najzlocudniji, najbolje vaskularizirani i najcešci primarni tumor
mozga. IGFBP-2 i IGFBP-5 proteini su koji, djelujuci samostalno ili u okviru IGF
sustava, imaju znacajnu ulogu u zlocudnoj progresiji astroglijalnih tumora.
Odnos izraženosti ovih proteina i VEGF-a upucuje na to da IGFBP-2 potice, a
IGFBP-5 sprjecava angiogenezu. Na temelju toga može se pretpostaviti da
izraženost IGFBP-2 pozitivno, a IGFBP-5 negativno korelira s gustocom
novostvorenih tumorskih krvnih žila i morfološkim obrascem neovaskularizacije,
te da ove korelacije u odnosu na preživljenje imaju prognosticki znacaj u
oboljelih od glioblastoma.
Kako bi se ispitala navedena hipoteza u ovom se radu na 56 patohistoloških
uzoraka glioblastoma imunohistokemijskom metodom odredila izraženost
IGFBP-2 i IGFBP-5, izmjerila se gustoca novostvorenih krvnih žila i odredio
prevladavajuci obrazac neovaskularizacije.
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da vecina glioblastoma pokazuje povecanu
izraženost IGFBP-2 (75%), ali ne i IGFBP-5 (30%). Izraženost IGFBP-5 ne
korelira ni s gustocom novostvorenih krvnih žila ni s morfološkim obrascem
neovaskularizacije i nema prognostickog znacaja. Izraženost IGFBP-2 korelira s
pojavom tumorskih pseudopalisada i s bizarnim obrascem neovaskularizacije.
Statisticki znacajan utjecaj na preživljenje u univarijantnoj analizi imaju
izraženost IGFBP-2 u >5% tumorskih stanica i prisutnost pseudopalisada, dok u
multivarijantnoj analizi statisticki znacajan utjecaj na preživljenje imaju dob
bolesnika i prisutnost pseudopalisada.
Item Type: |
Mentors: |
Departments: |
Izvan medicinskog fakulteta |
Depositing User: | Helena Markulin
University: |
Sveučilište u Zagrebu |
Institution: |
Medicinski fakultet |
Number of Pages: |
86 |
Status: |
Unpublished |
Creators: |
Creators | Email |
Pažanin, Leo | UNSPECIFIED |
Date: |
19 May 2011 |
Date Deposited: |
14 Mar 2013 13:21 |
Last Modified: |
14 Mar 2013 13:21 |
Subjects: |
/ |
Related URLs: |
URI: | |
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