Dodig-Ćurković, Katarina
Učestalost raznih oblika autodestruktivnog i heterodestruktivnog ponašanja kod adolescenata i njihova karakteristična obilježja [Frequency of various forms of autodestructive and heterodestrucitve behaviors in adolescents and their characteristic feature].
PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
The goal of this study was to investigate the frequency of auto-destructive and heterodestructive
behavior in adolescents, and to investigate wether there were differences
according to sex and age, as well as explore a number of factors influence the incidence of
such behavior, family relationships, socio-economic relations, hereditary factors, traumatic
experiences, personality traits of adolescents, consumption of alcohol and psychoactive
substances, smoking and comorbid psychiatric disorders.
The study included109 subjects, of which there were 46 male patients middle stage of
adolescence (15,39) and 63 female patients, also middle stage of adolescence (15,87) and
who were treated during 2009 and 2010 in a Clinical department of child and adolescent
psychiatry, Clinical Hospital Center Osijek. The subjects were aged of 11 to 18 years.
Diagnosis were established according to DSM-IV classification of diseases. In the study
was included one of the parents of subjects. The study was designed as a prospective study.
Subjects fulfilled a series of self-assessment scales for assessment of their own
aggressiveness, depression, anxiety, assessment of relations with family, relationship with
father and to assess internalized and externalized problems. Parents of the patients were
fulfilled self-assessment scale for the assessment of relationships within family and
unstructured questionnaire to insights into the structure and socio-economic status of
family. All self-assessment scales are designed to round up one of our claims.
Self-destructive forms of behavior were manifested in 46 male patients middle stage of
adolescence and 63 female patients, also middle stage of adolescence. It is evident that
adolescents of both sexes tend to different types of aggression, manifest a higher incidence
of mild anxiety, a grater prevalence of moderate to severe depression and tendency to
suicide and suicidal behavior. Male adolescents showed a higher degree of open aggression
and impulsivity, female adolescents are more likely to express verbal aggression,
impulsive behavior, self-harm by sharp objects and consumption of drugs without the
supervision of parents. Both groups tend to consume alcohol and psychoactive substances
and smoking. Male adolescents have more frequent suicidal thoughts and female
adolescents attempt suicide more often. Mental illness of the father has greater influence
on the occurrence of auto-destructive behavior in male adolescents, while mental illness of
the mother has influence on both sexes. Disturbed family relationships, history of traumatic
experiences, consumption of alcohol and psychoactive substances, abuse by peers, physical
violence in the family, a bad socio-economic status of the family and disrupted
communication with parents, were identified as a risk factors for these behaviors.
Particularly sensitive period according to the results of investigation is middle stage of
adolescence, when adolescents are under greater influence of peers and environment.
The results of conducted investigation are realistic indicators of the incidence of
autodestructivity and heterodestructivity among adolescents, as well as potential risk
factors for their expression. The results of investigation should provide a higher level of
competence of parents in identifying and planning strategies of dealing coping with this
behavior, to emphasize the need to improve the relationship between parents and
adolescents, as well as experts of various profiles that are responsible for the prevention
and treatment of these disorders.
Abstract in Croatian
Cilj istraživanja je bio istražiti učestalost autodestruktivnog i heterodestruktivnog
ponašanja kod adolescenata, i istražiti je li postoje razlike s obzirom na spol i dob, kao i
istražiti utjecaj niza čimbenika na pojavnost ovakvog ponašanja: odnosi unutar obitelji,
socioekonomski odnosi, nasljedni čimbenici, traumatska iskustva, osobine ličnosti
adolescenata, konzumiranje alkohola, psihoaktivnih tvari, pušenje, komorbidni
psihijatrijski poremećaji.
u istraživanju je sudjelovalo 109 ispitanika, od čega je 46 ispitanika muškog spola srednje
faze adolescencije (15,39) i 63 ispitanice ženskog spola također srednje faze adolescencije
(15,87) a koji su liječeni tijekom 2009. i 2010. godine ka Kliničkom odjelu za dječju i
adolescentnu psihijatriju, KBC Osijek. Ispitanici su bili u dobi od 11 do 18 godina.
Dijagnoze smo postavili prema DSM-IV klasifikaciji bolesti. U istraživanje je bio uključen
i jedan od roditelja ispitanika. Istraživanje je bilo koncipirano kao prospektivna studija.
Ispitanici su popunjavali niz samoocjenskih ljestvica za procjenu vlastite agresivnosti,
depresivnosti, anksioznosti, za procjenu odnosa sa obitelji, odnosa sa ocem i za procjenu
internaliziranih i eksternaliziranih poteškoća. Roditelji ispitanika su ispunjavali
samoocjensku ljestvicu za procjenu odnosa unutar obitelji i nestrukturirani
sociodemografski upitnik s ciljem uvida u strukturu i socioekonomski status obitelji. Sve
samoocjenske ljestvice su koncipirane da se zaokruži jedna od ponuđenih tvrdnji.
Autodestruktivne oblike ponašanja je ispoljavalo 46 ispitanika muškog spola srednje faze
adolescencije i 63 ispitanice ženskog spola također srednje faze adolescencije. Evidentno
je da adolescenti oba spola su skloni različitim oblicima agresije, pokazuju veću pojavnost
blage anksioznosti, veću pojavnost umjerene do teške depresije i sklonost suicidalnom
ponašanju i suicidu. Muški adolescenti češće pokazuju viši stupanj otvorene agresije i
impulzivnosti, adolescentice su sklonije izražavanju verbalne agresije, impulzivnom
ponašanju, samoozljeđivanju oštrim predmetima i konzumiranju lijekova bez nadzora
odnosno dozvole odraslih osoba. Obje skupine su sklone konzumiranju alkohola,
psihoaktivnih tvari i pušenju. Muški adolescenti imaju češća suicidalna razmišljanja, a
adolescentice češće pokušavaju suicid. Psihička bolest oca ima veći utjecaj na pojavnost
autodestruktivnih ponašanja kod muških adolescenata, dok psihička bolest majke ima
utjecaj i na muški i na ženski spol. Narušeni obiteljski odnosi, povijest traumatskih
iskustava, konzumiranje alkohola i psihoaktivnih tvari, zlostavljanje od strane vršnjaka,
fizičko nasilje unutar obitelji, loš socioekonomski status obitelji i narušena komunikacija
sa roditeljima su prepoznati kao rizični čimbenici za ovakve oblike ponašanja. Posebno
osjetljivo razdoblje prema rezultatima istraživanja je srednja faza adolescencije kada su
adolescenti pod većim utjecajem vršnjaka i okoline.
Rezultati provedenog istraživanja su realni pokazatelji pojavnosti autodestruktivnosti i
heterodestruktivnosti među adolescentima, kao i potencijalnih rizičnih čimbenika za
njihovo ispoljavanje. Rezultati istraživanja bi trebali pružiti veći osjećaj kompetentnosti
roditeljima u prepoznavanju i planiranju strategija suočavanja sa ovakvim ponašanjem,
ukazati potrebu da se poboljša odnos između roditelja i adolescenata, ali i stručnjacima
svih profila koji su odgovorni za sprječavanje i liječenje ovakvih poremećaja.
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