Žitnjak, Daniela
Koštani fenotip miševa s transgenom za interleukin 7 (IL-7) [Bone phenotype of IL-7 transgenic mice].
PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
Mice with an interleukin (IL)-7 transgene under the control of Eα promoter overexpress
IL-7 in MHC class II-positive cells and develop specific immune phenotype,
marked by an increase in CD45R+ cells in both the bone marrow and peripheral
blood. We show that female IL-7 transgenic mice have a bone phenotype
characterized by an age-related loss of trabecular bone in both axial and long bones.
Osteopenia was the result of increased number of active osteoclasts on the surface of
trabecular bone. Furthermore, IL-7 transgenic mice showed increased osteoclastic but
unchanged osteoblastic potential of the bone marrow in vitro, both from nonatherent
bone marrow cells and CD45R+ marrow cells. IL-7 over-expression also created
osteoclastogenic microenvironment within the bone marrow which promoted the
commitment of precursors towards the osteoclast lineage.
Abstract in Croatian
Miševi s transgenom za IL-7 koji je pod kontrolom Eα promotora pojačano izražavaju
IL-7 u svim stanicama koje na staničnoj membrane nose MHC II antigen te razvijaju
karakterističan imunološki fenotip koji obilježava porast udjela stanica pozitivnih za
CD45R antigen u koštanoj srži i u perifernoj krvi. Ženke tih miševa pokazuju i
koštani fenotip obilježen gubitkom trabekularne kosti u aksijalnim i dugim kostima
koji se razvija tijekom njihovog starenja. Osteopenija je posljedica povećanog broja
aktivnih osteoklasta na površini trabekularne kosti. Nadalje, u kulturama
neadheriranih i CD45R+ stanica koštane srži transgeničnih miševa nisu uočene
promjene u broju osteoblasta, unatoč povećanom osteoklastogeničnom potencijalu
koštane srži. Povećani izražaj IL-7 dovodi do promjena u mikrookolišu unutar koštane
srži čime su stanice preteče usmjerene prema osteoklastnoj lozi.
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