Klinar, Ivana
Uloga specijaliziranog internetskog portala u edukaciji bolesnika [The role of specialized Internet portal in the education of patients].
PhD thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
Aim To clarify the Internet role in the education of patients, to identify the reasons users look for physician consultations on the Internet instead of visiting a physician, and to explore their general characteristics, motivation and satisfaction with the specialized medical Internet portal and the "Your Questions” consultation service. ----- Methods Monitoring web statistics (number of visits, key words, articles). Users of the Internet medical portal and a free consultation service ‘Your Questions’ (www.plivazdravlje.hr) were invited to participate in a web-based survey designed to explore their general characteristics (age, sex, etc.), their reasons for using the service, the nature of their health problems or questions, and their satisfaction with the service. Respondents were divided into two groups: those who consulted an Internet physician only (Group I) and those who consulted Internet before or after visiting a physician (Group II). ----- Results Daily average is 10,000 visitors; the most visited topics are disease manual, Your Questions services and current articles. Visitors are mainly women between 25 and 34 years old, highly educated, interested in prevention. The web survey response rate was 38% (1036/2747), with 79% of female respondents. A fifth of the respondents (21%) consulted an Internet physician only (Group I). Multivariate analysis revealed that the respondents from Group I were younger (median 24 vs. 28 years in Group II), more interested in questions about pregnancy (odds ratio [OR], 1.984; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.203-3.272), more often embarrassed to talk to a physician in person (OR, 1.828; 95% CI, 1.119-2.989), and more motivated to protect their privacy (OR, 1.727; 95% CI, 1.252-2.380). Their satisfaction with the service was also greater (77% vs. 60%, P<0.001). ----- Conclusion Users often visit the portal, search through its contents and ask questions about their health problems. However, the educating role of specialized portals should be better determined in future investigations. The factors associated with the use of the Internet-based medical consultation services were younger-age users, need for privacy protection, avoidance of embarrassment at the physician’s office, and questions related to pregnancy. This shows the Internet medical portal and consultation services to be a useful health promotion tool, particularly among young adults.
Abstract in Croatian
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi ulogu interneta u edukaciji bolesnika, identificirati razloge konzultacije internet liječnika umjesto odlaska liječniku te istražiti opće karakteristike korisnika, razloge korištenja portala i servisa te njihovo zadovoljstvo. ----- Metode: Praćenje statistike posjećenosti portala (broj posjeta, najposjećeniji dijelovi, najčitaniji članci). Posjetitelji specijaliziranog medicinskog portala www.plivazdravlje.hr i korisnici besplatnog servisa Vaša pitanja, sudjelovali su u web anketama kako bi se utvrdilo tko su korisnici portala i servisa (dob, spol, obrazovanje), razlozi korištenja i njihovo zadovoljstvo. Korisnici servisa Vaša pitanja podijeljeni su u dvije grupe: korisnici koji konzultiraju samo internet liječnika (Grupa I) i korisnici koji konzultiraju internet liječnika i odlaze svom liječniku radi istog zdravstvenog problema (Grupa II). ----- Rezultati: Dnevna čitanost portala je prosječno 10000 posjeta, najčitaniji su priručnik o bolestima i servis Vaša pitanja te aktualni članci. Posjetitelji portala su uglavnom žene od 25 do 34 godina, visokoobrazovane, zainteresirane za prevenciju. Odgovor na web anketu korisnika servisa bio je 38% (1036/2747), 79% žena. Jedna petina korisnika servisa konzultira samo internet liječnika (Grupa I). Multivarijatnom analizom smo utvrdili da su korisnici u Grupi I mlađi (medijan dobi 24 godine vs. 28 godina u Grupi II), više pitanja postavljaju iz područja trudnoće (omjer ishoda (engl. odds ratio) [OR], 1.984; 95% raspon pouzdanosti (engl. confidence interval) [CI], 1.203-3.272), češće osjećaju nelagodu kad trebaju pitati svog liječnika (OR, 1.828; 95% CI, 1.119-2.989) i više štite svoju privatnost (OR, 1.727; 95% CI, 1.252-2.380). Korisnici iz Grupe I su zadovoljniji sa servisom (77% vs 60%, P<0.001). ----- Zaključak: Korisnici često posjećuju portal, pretražuju postojeći sadržaj, postavljaju pitanja o svom zdravstvenom problemu, ali ulogu specijaliziranog portala u edukaciji treba još dodatno utvrditi u budućim istraživanjima. Mlađa dob, potreba zaštite privatnosti, osjećaj nelagode te pitanja vezana uz trudnoću najvažniji su čimbenici povezani s korištenjem servisa. Internet portal i postojeći servisi su koristan dodatak u promociji zdravlja, osobito kod mladih ljudi.
Item Type: |
Mentors: |
Departments: |
Izvan medicinskog fakulteta |
Depositing User: |
Marijan Šember
University: |
Sveučilište u Zagrebu |
Institution: |
Medicinski fakultet |
Number of Pages: |
142 |
Status: |
Unpublished |
Creators: |
Creators | Email |
Klinar, Ivana | UNSPECIFIED |
Date: |
28 February 2012 |
Date Deposited: |
28 Mar 2012 12:06 |
Last Modified: |
28 Mar 2012 12:06 |
Subjects: |
/ |
Related URLs: |
URI: |
http://medlib.mef.hr/id/eprint/1562 |
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